LiquidFiles Documentation
LiquidFiles Documentation

Share Access Rights Admin API

List Share Accesses

Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /admin/shares/:share_id/accesses
Request VERB GET

With the Paths above, if you use /admin/shares/:share_id/accesses it will list both users and groups. If you use /admin/shares/:share_id/accesses/users or /admin/shares/:share_id/accesses/groups, it will only list the users or groups respectively that have access to this share.

Response Parameters
Parameter Type Description
type String user or group depending if this access type is for a user or a group.
user_id/group_id String The unique User or Group ID.
access String write if the user/group has write access read if the user/group has read-only access
view_log Boolean The resulting view_log result if success.
Example Request Using Curl
cat <<EOF | curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" \
  --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \

        "type": "group",
        "group_id": "admins",
        "access": "write",
        "view_log": true
        "type": "user",
        "user_id": "user-company-com",
        "access": "read",
        "view_log": true

Create Share Access


Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /admin/shares/:share_id/accesses/users
Request Parameters
Parameter Type Description
id String The User ID or Group ID that should be given access.
access String write if the user or group should have write access, read if the user or group should have read-only access. If not specified, it will default to false.
view_log Boolean True if the user or group should be able to view the share log. If not specified, it will default to false.

The response will use the same response parameters that's listed in the List action above.

Example Request Using Curl
cat <<EOF | curl -X POST -d @- -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \

      "id": "user-company-com",
      "access": "write",
      "view_log": true

or creating share access for a group. Please note groups in the end of the URL as well as group in the first JSON statement as different from the users/user above.

cat <<EOF | curl -X POST -d @- -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \

      "id": "local-users",
      "access": "write",
      "view_log": true

You can also use a shorter curl format:

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \
       -d '{"group":{"id":"admins", "access": "write", "view_log":true}}' \

Example Response

The response will list the Share Access that was created.

      "type": "group",
      "group_id": "admins",
      "access": "write",
      "view_log": true

Update Share Access


Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /admin/shares/:share_id/accesses/users
Request VERB PUT
Request Parameters
Parameter Type Description
id String The User ID or Group ID that should be given access.
access String write if the user or group should have write access, read if the user or group should have read-only access. If not specified, it will default to false.
view_log Boolean True if the user or group should be able to view the share log. If not specified, it will default to false.

The response will use the same response parameters that's listed in the List action above.

Example Request Using Curl
cat <<EOF | curl -X POST -d @- -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \

      "access": "write",
      "view_log": true

Update group example.

cat <<EOF | curl -X POST -d @- -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \

      "access": "write",
      "view_log": true

Remove Share Access


Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /admin/shares/:share_id/accesses/users
Request Parameters
Parameter Type Description
id String The unique User or Group ID.
Example Request Using Curl
curl -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" \
  --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \

Remove a group example.

curl -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" \
  --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \